T-Minus 24

(Thank You Fox)

Hard to believe that in less than 24 hours my three month study tour/safari/most-excellent-adventure begins. At 6pm I leave the safety of the Haven (thanks to the mighty power of the Oesch mobile & the generosity of Joel & Tiffany). By 10:30pm I'll be just starting the first leg of the journey, JFK to Amsterdam. From there it is on to Nairobi and by noon on Saturday (East Africa Time) I'll be landing in Mombasa.


As a side note: It has been a crazy couple of weeks, what with finals, trips back to MN and the 'sha, attempting to line up a CPE site for the fall, and all of the odds and ends associated with leaving one's 'normal' life behind for three months. While there haven't been the nuclear explosions or scenes of torture that accompany Jack Bauer & Co, the clock has been definitely ticking loud lately.

If there is anything I'm looking forward to more than anything else right now, it is hitting the reset button on my ever increasingly clock & schedule driven world.

I look forward to replacing the relentless beeping of the second hand with the sounds of the Indian Ocean hitting the shore . . . to stepping out of a precise, clean, and ordered world into one that is more human(e). Messy? Perhaps. Chaotic or Unpredictable? Most likely. A Completely Different Pace? Oh Yeah. In just a few short days I'll be living on 'African Time.'

Until then, however, there are a few more tasks to check off the to-do list. . . so close, yet so far . . . 23.5 hours to go now . . . 23.5 hours.


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