Happy New Year, Chinese Style

Traditionally, Horses (or magical unicorns) Like To Drive Honda Elements. True Story.

With the Chinese Year of the Pig starting this weekend I thought it would be a good idea to figure out what animal I am. Turns out I was born during the tail end of the Year of the Horse, two days shy of being a sheep and a whole year away from the dreaded Monkey, thank goodness.

"So what makes a Horse a Horse?" you ask. Wikipedia will tell you all you need to know about my new found identity. My question is, "How well does this fit? Am I straight-up horse or a horse of a different color?" You decide . . .

The horse personality is often willing to give as well as expect a lot of liberty. These people are extremely independent and confident. The horse person is very quick-witted, inquisitive and determined. They are very good at recognizing patterns: he or she is on to the thought in your mind even before you've expressed it. In general, these people are gifted. But in truth they are often more cunning than intelligent - and they surely know that. They adore being the centre of everyone's attention, but they prefer to be recognized for their skills and are easily flattered. On the other hand these people have an honesty and genuine warmth which attracts lots of people and helps them make new friends. People as a rule confide in a horse person because he/she is sincerely interested in their thoughts and feelings and is able to help with both wise words and an action, but there is a small problem about it - the horse person is so excited by new discoveries that it is difficult for them to keep a secret. This is not something that arises out of malice or revenge - sometimes they just cannot help themselves.

It is easy to inspire such a person by new ideas and he/she tends to act on them without delay, carried away by the excitement of the moment. But it is also important to remember that there is a danger for a horse person to be too impulsive and it may cause some problems in the future. And if they do not see the result of their efforts, it is rather natural for them to turn their attention to a new project and head off once again, brimming with new ideas. The horse person is always ready to offer good advice and can be very persuasive, but his/her confident and carefree approach hides inner doubts. Those who know such a person will recognize this, and offer the support and reassurance he/she needs. A male that is born in the year of the horse is considered as a charming, suave person to a member of the opposite sex.

Dogs and Tigers Good. Rats Bad.

Horses should beware of the Rat, as any relationship with this sign is said to be extremely trying for the horse. Of all relationships between Chinese zodiac signs, a relationship between a rat and a horse is said to be the worst. . . The rat is way too calculating, dictatorial and possessive for the free-spirited and independent horse. A relationship with a rat can potentially break down the horse's free-spirit and cause rage in the rat - as neither will be willing to yield to the other. However, horses get along great with Tigers and Dogs.

Possible professions for people that are born on the year of the horse are that of an intelligence agent, a writer or novelist, an actor or a model.


Justin Rimbo said…
Heh. It's good to hear from you -- I almost forgot you were a "blogger." I'll be sure to link to you off my page.

By the way, my Chinese zodiac? Monkey.
Anonymous said…
Ha! You sure are full of surprises, and photos! Charlie is flattered to be considered such a good dog friend of yours..he knows who to go to for pampering and treats! I don't know my chinese animal...maybe a chicken? :-)
Erin Elizabeth said…
Dude, I was under the impression that we were born in the year of the Goat.

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