"Piga Picha! Haraka Haraka!"

The Cathedral of St. Paul as seen from the MN State Capitol

Truth be told, the bulk of my fall/Thanksgiving break was not spent in the 'sha, despite it being the "kickinest place on the planet." Most of it was spent hanging out in Minnesota with Alfred, Enoch, and Twandisyege from Tungamalenga.

It was awesomely bizarre to spend time with them here. By the time I caught up with them they were nearing the end of their two weeks here. They all seemed to have adjusted quite comfortably to life in the US. Alfred especially seemed well adjusted . . . often leaning back in chairs rubbing his stomach and smiling contentedly. He also resumed his good-natured (I hope!) taunting of me . . . every couple minutes I'd hear, "Peter! Piga Picha!" (Peter, hit/take a picture) Followed by "Haraka! Haraka!" (Quickly, Quickly!)

It was fun, a good way to practice my Swahili, and reaffirming of the pull East Africa has on my life.

On top of the Minnesota Capitol with Alfred, Enoch, Pastas' Bon & Deb

Enoch and Mchungaji Alfred, Kings of St. Paul

Saying "Kwaheri . . ." (Goodbye) to the Tanzanians at the airport


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