Heartbreaking Work or Staggering Genius?

more pringles than you can shake a stick, make that an entire tree, at. . .
. . . and enough toothpaste to keep your pearly whites VERY white
My friend's roommate found an amazing deal in which a local grocery store was essentially paying people to purchase pringles and toothpaste. It was one of those deals where you buy enough of something and get a rebate to buy more of something. The dude did something unthinkable . . . he payed it forward to an extent that is either heartbreaking or genius (hence the title). By continually rolling the rebate over to purchase of more toothpaste and pringles he was he was able to multiply his rebates and stash of snack food and oral hygiene products faster than rabbits make bunnies.

Clearly there was a loophole in the rebate policy somewhere that either a) the suits never caught or b) it was assumed that johhny q. public would never have the audacity to exploit it.

The result is a futon full of tempting-yet-deadly pringles, sky-high stacks of toothpaste that demand to be turned into some warhol-esque piece of pop art, and my mind being completely blown by the beautiful absurdity of it all.


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