A Dinner Fiasco

Charlie & Kasper: Do No Evil - Nov 2011 [Photo by K Harrits]

File this one under "That's my boy. . ." An e-mail from Wisconsin:

Just a quick note to let you know what happened last night.  
Dad made a really tasty bacon and jalapeno wrapped quail and pheasant on the grill.  He brought the finished birds in from the grill -cooked to perfection- and set them on the table.   
In the instant he turned his back to reach for something on the stove, Charlie (my parents' dog, standing in the picture above) leaped up and grabbed a whole quail off the plate and started chomping; Kasper  (my dog, sitting properly in the picture) was right at Charlie's mouth and stole a jalapeno pepper from him and gulped it down!!!  
Dad rushed to try to pull the quail from Charlie's mouth, but Charlie was having none of that...he held the bird in his jaws of steel.  Dad gave up and said, "well, it's his now." 
Yup, Charlie at the whole thing...including the string which held the bacon and jalapenos in place and the little quail bones...crunch, crunch, crunch.  Kasper was content to eat his first very hot pepper.  
What a fiasco.  
We can laugh about it this morning.  I was worried either of them might get sick during the night, but they both are fine and dandy this morning...albeit a little thirsty.  

Sounds like adventures (continue to) abound in the 'Sha and that, like his master, the pupster is acquiring a taste for all things spicy.


Erin Elizabeth said…
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. LOL x infinity.

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