From Kuala Lumpur to Kathmandu - June 2010

Some thirty-six hours from now I'll be stepping off a Royal Nepal Airlines flight at Kathmandu's Tribhuvan Airport. Accompanying leaders from Luther House Chapel and the Migrant Ministry Partnership, this is a 2000 mile journey that started, for me at least, in a Malaysian jungle camp and has been encouraged through my continuing involvement with migrant ministries in Petaling Jaya.

Here, in Malaysia, local churches are reaching out to Nepali workers through acts of justice, education, and evangelism. There, in Nepal, we will follow up with workers who have returned home, seek out avenues for further collaboration with local communities of faith, and explore the feasibility of establishing new mission sites in the eastern part of the country.

Knowing Nepal only through the people I've met here and books/articles/movies about Mount Everest and the Himalayas (as well as headlines detailing recent political instability - mostly resolved now), I'm eager to see and share in whatever it has to offer.

With excitement and anticipation building, again I stand on the edge of a new territory and am preparing to stand in a place unlike any I've ever been before.

Between here and KTM, I've got a feeling sleep might be a little hard to come by.

Let the service, the adventure, begin.


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