Winter Wonderland

Christmas Market in Union Square - Dec 20

What could be better than a day spent facing the brisk winter weather, tromping through the streets of New York City, watching Spamalot (now with Clay Aiken), and eating tasty food in a hip and trendy environment, all in the company of a good friend?

Nothing, I say, nothing.*

*Well, maybe a little less Aiken. Shucks. Apparently I'm no Claymate after all. . .  Who knew?


ph said…
Mental Note:

To get anonymous readers to leave comments [since deleted], don't write about Malaria relief, the plight of those in developing countries, or the things that really motivate and drive you.

Rather, make a snarky and knowingly-empty passing comment [since edited] about an American pop-culture IDOL [fitting, eh?] in a blog who's primary audience is family and friends and wait for the comments to come in.

Life gets curiouser and curiouser. . .

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