
The Dance Goes On - July 2008

Bwana Yesu Asifiwe!

            Bwana Yesu Asifiwe!

The voices of those gathered – accompanied by the ululating sounds of the women

Reverberate off of the handmade, mudbrick walls of the chapel

Shaking the sheet iron roof above them with their force.


            THE LORD JESUS BE PRAISED!!!!!

In Tungamalenga and Makifu,

Iringa and Idodi,

The chorus grows louder daily.

The Christian Faith is on the move,

Leaving behind the crumbling cathedrals and relics of Christendom,

Christ is dancing across Africa and Asia and Latin America

He calls to us.

            THEY call to us:

“Rise up, oh Sleeper, Awake!”

In silver birds, we arrive.

Around the Communion Rail we gather

Maasai and Hehe, Americans and Tanzanians, Men and Women.

Sharing in the bread and the wine

As the Global Body of Christ.


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