
-Solid German Construction in Iringa-

The talk now asks further, "What is your occupation in life?" 

The talk does not ask inquisitively about whether it is great or mean, whether you are a king or only a laborer. It does not ask, after the fashion of business, whether you earn a great deal of money or are building up great prestige for yourself. 

The crowd inquires and talks of these things. 

But whether your occupation is great or mean, is it of such a kind that you dare think of it together with the responsibility of eternity? Is it of such a kind that you dare to acknowledge it at this moment or at any time? 

-Soren Kierkegaard 

Back now at YDS, the floor is beginning to fall away.
My gaze is increasingly focused on what is to come.
After the handshake and tassel flip in May, what next?

With a month and miles of distance
ten weeks in Tanzania still stands as a punctuation mark
yet to reveal itself.

We talk about call a lot,
both external and internal.
This summer, both hit home.

Walking the dusty roads of Pommern and Tungamalenga,
the bits and pieces that make me 'me' were fused together in action.
There was wholeness, completeness . . . One.

Telling stories and taking pictures
to invite and to engage others in a world I've come to know.
This I love. This brings great joy.

"When are you coming back?" they would ask.
"I don't know . . . inategemea (it depends)," I would respond.
In my heart I'd whisper "hopefully soon."

As the year progresses 
and life unfolds,

(We will see)

We will listen
and we will see.


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