A Day at the Park

My brother (front and center as usual), Mom, and I outside 'SWARM' a flippin' sweet (pun half intended) inverted coaster.
Its 3 pm. A few hours ago I sat down to start working on my taxes but never got started. (yup, i'm pretty much a hardcore spring breaker. Mazatlan? Cancun? No way Jose. Puerto Vallarto? Try El Lame-o. I'm rollin' in style with my crew W2 and EZ this week)

Instead of opening up my financials I 'accidentally' clicked on Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 and was soon on my way to funky town or 'Vanilla Hills' amusement park. My family showed up and we hit the park pretty hard, rockin and rollin on some pretty hardcore coasters. It was insane. . . my mom and dad, despite being over the hill, were the ones rushing from ride to ride. My brother (often looking pretty sickly) and I had a tough time keeping up with the folks.

On the food front, my dad stopped at every French Fry stand in sight while my mom forced our group to head back to Ice Cream Stand 1 after every ride . . . apparently Vanilla Hills serves up a pretty tasty double scoop. . .

Ever the stoic, my dad challenges the mighty 'HYDRA' and its 120 foot vertical drop. Sure his expression might suggest he's not enjoying it, but you know he is on the edge of cracking a smile.

Decked out in her jean skirt, fuzzy pink shirt, and denim visor my mom surprises everyone by being an absolute animal when it comes to riding the rails of Vanilla Hills' fiecest coasters. Next to her, Tom is looking pretty worried.

Forget worried! Getting stung by 'SWARM' Tom is looking downright sick. Perhaps this trip to the park will end with him blowing chunks again. It'll be Big Bend all over again.

Apparently I met a pretty cute and adventurous girl in the park. Here we are having a blast on the classic wooden coster 'WHOOP-DEE-DOO!!!' Way to go fake me!

Wow. Freedom to putz around, geek out, and waste time is such a good thing. At the risk of sounding like a McDonalds ad, I must admit that "I'm lovin' it."

I suppose I should look up the boyz, EZ & W2 to get the proverbial 'party' started. Then again, the folks sounded like they wanted to try hitting up another park. One should always honor their father and mother, right?


Justin Rimbo said…
Hey, that looks like fun . . . I wish I had the time and money to try it out.
Anonymous said…
Nice theme park! Good to know your dad and I are having fun, breaking out of our comfort zones! Don't think the "Tom being front and center as usual" is true, work it out, dear son, work it out. In the meantime, I'll beat you to the ice cream stand! Wahoo! Love, Mom

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