Say It Ain't So . . .

Painting from the Minneapolis Institute of Art's collection.
If you know the painting's name, please let me know.

Wisconsin is in danger of being surpassed by California as the nation's largest producer of cheese. Don't believe me? Check out the New York Times. Surely they'd never print anything that was false.

Let this be a rallying cry in my homeland . . . a shot heard around the cows if you will. Drop your biotech jobs, your manufacturing, your science and technology. My people for far too long we have been lulled into a dreamlike state with false hopes and flat-out lies about progress, advancement, and the all around betterment of the world.
Our state motto, "Forward!" has lead us astray. I see it all too well now. The Evil One has mislead us . . . twisting our words, ideas, and aspirations in such a way that we are now danger of losing our heritage, our history, even our very souls.

"BACKWARD!" my people . . . "BACKWARD!" Back to the warm vats of churning milk. Back to carefully crafted microbes. Back to the curds and the whey.

If we band together we can protect our status as America's Dairyland from being Terminated by Schwarzenegger and his brood of overly-tanned, leathery-skinned vipers from the Golden State.
Golden State? Harumph. More like the Golden Idol of Baal. Why must those evil ones torment us? We must don our Packers Jerseys of Righteousness and Cheeseheads of Truth to slay the serpent that is rising in the West . . .

Or we could just eat some brats, drink some Miller, and kick back. We're from Wisconsin after all. We already know we are the best.

Thought of the day:
“Cheese really is part of our identity. . .Cheese is the perfect illustration of the Wisconsin personality — casual, fun people who like to make fun of things, including ourselves.” -Terese Allen, former president of the Culinary History Enthusiasts of Wisconsin.


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